Christian mysticism
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Hardcover edition
Hardcover: 367 pages
In German language
Author: Armin Mattich
Cost: Book € 20,-- plus postage/shipping
(within Germany € 4,50) per invoice
Auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit
Mystische Erfahrungen
Are you familiar with tingling hands or feet? Do you experience unintentional vibrations or movements of your body, strong feelings of heat and cold or a sharp change in your emotions? Are your senses hypersensitive? Do you feel a great longing? Perhaps you are one of those people in whom the mystical fire or the Kundalini power has awakened and you have consciously or unconsciously entered the path of enlightenment.

When the mystical fire is awakened in a person's soul, they begin to unfold in their deepest inner being and radiate more light. Waves of life force purify and transform their soul, spirit and ultimately their physical body.
This CD is available from
In German language
Author: Armin Mattich

EchnAton-Verlag (publishing house)
Wasserburger Str. 12
D- 83561 Ramerberg
Tel.  08039/90 99 256
Fax. 08039/90 99 253
Armin Mattich has been conducting meditations at home and abroad for several years. His methods have helped many people to become clairvoyant or to attain other forms of mediumistic qualities. In his large-scale meditations (several hundred people) he always uses the material on the CD below.
CD Shaman Spiritual Healing

CD Vergebungsübung
(CD  Forgiveness Exercise)
Practicing the forgiveness exercise (1st track) begins an extraordinary purification of the soul, which increases inner peace and then also spiritual powers. The ritual practitioner can have a constructive effect on all the levels in which he exists and thus relieve his soul comprehensively. This meditation has been an indispensable part of Armin's workshops for years.
Ritual meditation fundamentally purifies a soul and thus unleashes more light in a person, thereby softening their fate.
The breathing exercise (2nd track) is a powerful exercise that greatly accelerates inner purification and can increase the spiritual powers of the practitioner enormously.
Regular practice of these meditations raises the human consciousness to a higher level and thus enables a more authentic life.
You can obtain this CD (VERGEBUNGSÜBUNG) from Armin Mattich.
This CD is available from
In German language

Autor: Armin Mattich
Cost: € 10,-- plus postage/shipping
(within Germany € 3,50) per invoice
Autor: Armin Mattich
Texts are free of charge
In German language

In search of the truth
(Mystic experiences)
Sacred trance and healing hypnosis
Relief through vitality
Healing magnetism
Sensing feeling and seeing
Vitality through life force
The components of the human being
The third eye
How enlightenment begins
What concentration really is