Christian mysticism
If you want to help a person to become healed, then teach them to sense, feel and see. If you can sense, feel and see more yourself, you are already authorized to heal and you could certainly carry out the activity of spiritual healing. You could practise using these abilities of sensing, feeling and seeing particularly skillfully. There are actually many methods that work. These methods all work quite well, but it is the spontaneous types of spiritual healing that are gaining the fastest acceptance in society. The best known types of spiritual healing are practiced by people who can sense, feel and see particularly well. It is not the approach but the spontaneity of a method that determines its acceptance in society. We can say that anyone who senses, feels and sees a lot can practise spiritual healing. However, this does not mean that such a therapist can change a person's karma, i.e. their destiny. In order to be able to do something so great, you need permission from God and you also need some skills, which you could also get from God. God alone decides who receives such gifts and who does not. Such comprehensive abilities often represent an indirect form of grace for clients.

Feeling is a direct form of perception and the foundation of human consciousness, and human consciousness is the source of healing power.

The consequences of spiritual healing:
As soon as a spiritual healing has been effected, something strange happens to a person. A barely recognizable light arises in their radiation and it appears in places where there was less light before. This light shows us a change that relates to the person and their characteristics. The affected human characteristic becomes larger, or rather, it becomes more complete and causes the remaining characteristics to grow as well. The remaining qualities also become more complete, just a little but more complete. People who experience spiritual healings more often become increasingly more enlightened and their way of thinking, sensing and feeling gradually changes. Their old values change and new interests emerge. They develop into very freedom-loving people who enjoy life and always respect God's creation.
From a certain amount of light, a further change occurs in people, as their pituitary gland begins to open. As soon as the gland in the brain opens up a little more, specific changes in the person also become recognizable. Such pituitary openings are described in many countries and cultures and can still be observed in the world. In order to open a pituitary gland purposefully, a certain force is used to regulate the opening. This power can also be used to close a pituitary gland that has been opened too wide. This miraculous power is the life force given by God. Most pituitary openings worldwide are brought about with the help of the life force. When the pituitary gland opens, it only opens a little at first, but then the circumstances changed by the pituitary gland cause the gland to open further until the person finally begins his enlightenment. However, this happens very rarely because few people can or want to endure such painful processes. Human preferences and inclinations as well as their aversions and preferences, but above all their fears, oppose the life force and thus prevent enlightenment.
The human aspiration for great freedom and also to restore one's human qualities to their original greatness is linked to a spiritual awakening. In order to achieve such an awakening quickly, some people meditate in their closet for decades. They use their higher mental powers to be able to sense, feel and see more in the future. With the qualities of sensing, feeling and seeing, people are able to reflect on themselves. They can find out what is behind their stressful life circumstances. They can uncover the reasons behind their suffering and understand why they are suffering. With their higher perceptions, they are able to recognize, change and heal many things about themselves. The ability to heal spiritually arises from the God-given abilities to sense, feel and see, but also from the superior gift of being able to concentrate. If people can no longer heal themselves, it is usually because
Sensing, feeling and seeing
they can no longer sense, feel and see sufficiently or can no longer concentrate sufficiently. In such cases, affected people sometimes seek out a medium or a healer who can still sense, feel and see sufficiently and can concentrate and ask this person for help and healing. We now understand that clear perception is the basis of spiritual healing. The grace of God also works, but this act is not a healing process, but a gift. The effect of such a gift is immediate, does not take time and is therefore not a healing process.
As spiritual healing progresses, people become increasingly clairvoyant and gradually begin to heal their fellow human beings. Not only does their ability to heal themselves and others increase, but they also begin to enlighten. As people begin their enlightenment, they also begin to radiate the golden power and have a great concentration, which is necessary for sensing, feeling and seeing. Some people are able to absorb such radiated powers well and can sense, feel and see better as a result of this alone. Many people have succeeded in becoming healed simply by absorbing such radiated powers and some have even developed the gift of clairvoyance. Spiritual healing is basically a painless process of enlightenment.
Most people do not strive for enlightenment and prefer to accept deficits, i.e. limitations, in their lives. However, the deficits bring disadvantages, they continue to grow and also build a prison for their creator.
As difficult as it is to open a pituitary gland, there are always people who manage to do just that. They even achieve this goal in a variety of ways. Specific symptoms occur, because the symptoms of an opening gland are the same all over the world. Whether the Indian guru gives his disciple a Shakti-Pat, i.e. a kind of spiritual initial spark and the transferred life force opens the disciple's pituitary gland, or the seeker of truth, who meditates for decades in his cave and his greatly increased life force opens his pituitary gland, or the healing magnetizer who transfers forces to his students with his presence, his ability to concentrate, and
these forces open the student's pituitary gland, or the physiotherapist who carries out targeted body therapy and thus raises his patient's life force, or the hypnotist who treats his client and the trance achieved increases the life force until the pituitary gland opens a little more. With their work, they all trigger different processes in the client that increase their life force so that their pituitary gland opens up a little more. They all trigger the same symptoms because they all ultimately have the same effect. Incidentally, a pituitary gland also opens when the life force is raised unintentionally.
Affected people clearly feel these changes as their body begins to vibrate and tremble, their body twitches for no apparent reason and falls over from time to time at first. Their body trembles as if it is electrified and those affected have clear visions of themselves and their lives. They feel their whole body and being radiating golden light and the coveted gift of visualization manifests in them. They finally begin to sense, feel and see clearly again and sometimes the burdens of illness give way during such processes. These are all symptoms of an opening pituitary gland. But the power that opens a pituitary gland and can trigger further processes is a massively increased life force. This opening power can be generated in the client in various ways or transmitted directly. The servant of God is also able to bring about a comparable situation with his answered prayers. The relief given by God relieves the client so much that his existing life force is greatly increased and therefore his pituitary gland opens up a little. In all cases, a great inner cleansing begins and the spiritual awakening begins. The person begins to enlighten. In Christianity, the process of enlightenment is better described as being "filled with the spirit of God".  Als Gott die Menschen schuf, gab er ihnen die Fähigkeiten zu Spüren, zu Fühlen und zu Sehen mit auf dem Weg. When God created human beings, he gave them the ability to sense, feel and see. These abilities are no longer fully available to people because they have lost a large part of them. Unfortunately, people can no longer clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairsentience as they once did. Some people
As soon as a person's perception of feeling rapidly increases, they feel as if someone has punched them in the stomach. They start to tremble and feel like they are going to vomit. They spontaneously become tired and could fall asleep on the spot. They get very hungry and want to eat something and then they feel sick again every few minutes. They are quite weak and find it difficult to concentrate. These states vary in intensity depending on the depth of the experience. Less than 0.3% of people in these states need some assistance to leave the state comfortably. This state rarely lasts longer than three hours. This process is accompanied by a paleness around the mouth and is a sure sign that the client's soul is processing old burdens and clearing up the prevailing legacies. All this often happens when people are allowed to use the opportunity to quickly expand their ability to feel. As a person's ability to feel rapidly expands, so does their direct perception. Affected people often struggle with their tears of sorrow or joy. They quickly gain insights about themselves, their lives and recognize connections between past events.

As the feeling and seeing in the person quickly increases, so does a mild to moderate headache, which increases as soon as the participant bends his head to his feet, perhaps to tie his shoes. He feels as if he has drunk half a bottle of wine. As soon as the client moves his head, he feels slightly nauseous, gets a slight headache and feels
can only perceive a little directly and have therefore been wandering aimlessly for a long time. Their condition changes again as soon as their being is filled with the spirit of God. As soon as they begin their enlightenment, they regain the lost parts of feeling, sensing and seeing. Occasionally, there are also events in which participants receive help on precisely this topic and can even regain their abilities without pain. However, the goals of quickly increasing feeling, sensing and seeing are subject to certain side effects.
somewhat disoriented. He also occasionally perceives flashes of light in his head and notices that higher spiritual gifts become available in him. The client may become aware of old burdens that have been tormenting and limiting him for a long time. This state lasts for a few hours and does not lead to any restrictions. All this happens as soon as the third eye opens a little more and the ability to feel, sense and see is allowed to return. People who are allowed to experience such unleashing more often are able to visualize and lucid dream more and more, which is the beginning of enlightenment.
© by Armin Mattich