Christian mysticism
Christliche Mystik
can only endure their individual measure of life force. Because people have their own aversions, fears, preferences and inclinations with which they want and have to live. Human development progresses slowly and at a manageable pace, but a life force that has become dynamic can accelerate a development process 400-fold. Rapid development is very painful and many a person would rather end their life than continue such a process. These are really very stressful processes that affected people go through.
The life force is not only powerful, it is also intelligent and has its own consciousness. This force has its own individual potential and strives to enlighten people. The self-healing powers are also products of the life force and have their own potential and strive to keep people healthy. If the life force is unleashed, it instantly becomes dynamic and affected people may then notice many well-known purification symptoms (kriyas). The so-called speaking in tongues is not one of the purification symptoms, because nobody understands this language and it seems to me to be more the result of suggestions and expectations. We can sometimes see why the life force becomes independent. Sometimes it is religious initiations, initiations in healing systems or in spiritual healing methods that help the life force to take on a life of its own. Sometimes it is also a transfer of the life force, as is common in the Kundalini system, which allows the life force to become dynamic. In healing ceremonies where psychoactive substances are used, the life force can also develop a certain life of its own. Of course, there are other circumstances in which the life force develops its own dynamic.
Translated with (free version)Many American preachers trigger Kundalini phenomena in their visitors by bringing their participants into a euphoric state for a longer period of time and then allowing their life force to take on a life of its own. The preachers often use their own power or that of their participants to move masses of visitors. The visitors then immediately show many symptoms of a life force that has taken on a life of its own. Unfortunately, many preachers claim that the Holy Spirit works in the guests and leave their visitors to themselves in their vulnerable state. These preachers are completely convinced that the Holy Spirit would spread in their visitors. However, unclean spirits usually make themselves known, seeming to come from within and quickly making the visitors understand that they no longer want to leave their side.
Es gibt aber auch einzelne Prediger, die tatsächlich die Gnade Gottes vermitteln und ihre Besucher sehr beschenken und bereichern können. Man erkennt diese Prediger daran, dass ihre Handlungen keine störenden Prozesse oder Qualen hervorrufen, sondern inneren Frieden und dauerhafte Heilungen bewirken. Ihre Handlungen sind stets von Liebe durchtränkt und bewirken, dass dem Besucher, nach den Anwendungen, eine größere Körperwärme und Vitalität zur Verfügung steht. Bei den lichtvollen Berührungen wird das Herz warm und die Lebenskraft steigt allmählich ohne weiteres Zutun an.
We receive the power to live from God. To be more precise, we receive this power from the Holy Archangels on God's behalf. This power is unlimited and every person can have as much of this power as they want. This is exactly where a conflict begins for many people, because they can hardly absorb and use this power. As a result, they build up a growing deficit. The significance of such a deficit becomes clear as soon as we recognize the characteristics of the life force.
This force has special properties that are not found elsewhere in physics. The life force can develop its own dynamics and thus start its own life. This means that the force can become independent and pursue its own goals and can hardly be stopped in the process. This force, according to its nature, strives for its full expression, even if the person does not want to have such an amount of life force at the moment. There are reasons why people
Relief through vitality
© by Armin Mattich