Christian mysticism
Christliche Mystik
Through a continuous and strong use of constructive human qualities, the corresponding components purify themselves massively and thus bring forth more inner light. This inner light can quickly lead to enlightenment processes. These time-limited processes then release further inner light and a corresponding amount of life force, resulting in all the phenomena that the dynamic life force triggers in people. Since time immemorial, the purification of individual components has been used to bring about purposeful healing or to tread the path to enlightenment. Yoga practitioners use all three types of inner purification to bring light into their being as quickly as possible so that they can then enter into a strong connection with God. You can therefore avoid the bitter consequences of a lack of light by compensating for the lack of light. So you don't
A component is a part of the human being that has a certain degree of independence and fulfills the task assigned to it. If the inner light has become too low in one part of the human being, the light from another part will take its place and largely compensate for the lack of light. This means, for example, that a light deficit in the body plexus is compensated for by the light of the emotional plexus or the light of the mental plexus, so that all the functions of the body remain available and continue to function almost without restriction. The same applies to the two other components, the emotional plexus and the mental plexus. A lack of light in one component can be compensated for with light from another component. Failures only occur if there is a light deficit in all three components at the same correspondence. However, this also means that if a lack of light does not lead to tragic failures, it leads to gradual reductions in all other components and therefore also to a decline in consciousness and strength.
The components of the human being
have to suffer. Some shamans therefore take substances that have a tremendous disinfectant effect in order to release light in their physical plexus to compensate for their light deficits in other components. Sometimes shamans only take these substances in order to massively increase their power potential. These powerful substances are known to shamans. According to some shamans, one of these substances can even completely remove moles and liver spots after prolonged external use. In the case of serious injuries or major illnesses, they even administer this substance to their bodies through an enema. This substance is said to give them youthful vitality and the strength of a great warrior. Some people can be assumed to be familiar with this substance because they are extremely lively, they can concentrate and their feelings are always clear.
This means that people can advance and achieve their enlightenment through the light potential of one component alone. It is not so important which component takes the lead in the impending expansion. This also means that a process of enlightenment does not have to be striven for, but can also occur unintentionally. Thus, athletes, especially heavy athletes, who extremely increase their light content in the body through their intense training, can unintentionally undergo an enlightenment process. This also applies to singers and those people who, through breathing training, increase their light content in the emotional network to such an extent that their enlightenment begins and all the symptoms of enlightenment become apparent. These people can also reach full enlightenment unintentionally. The same applies to poets, thinkers and above all meditators who, through their activities, can drastically increase their inner light in their mental network and thus unintentionally enter into a process of enlightenment and complete this process.
Anyone who observes people going through their enlightenment process will recognize that there is a higher intelligence that regulates this process. They will see how this intelligent consciousness moves within people and how this consciousness unleashes people. The basis is clearly recognizable and concerns the flow of the life force in people. The workings of the life force are also adequately described in acupuncture textbooks. Acupuncture is one of the world's great healing methods. A profound cleansing of the meridians is the basis of acupuncture and at the same time the basis of an enlightenment process. An enlightenment process chosen by people is always also an extremely intensified healing process. Thus, enlightenment leads to healing and healing leads to enlightenment. The most efficient ways of treating with life force are found in yoga, tai chi, chi gong and in some Western forms of
physiotherapy. All these practices begin their therapy on the human body and unleash its inner light, which always generates life force in the person. This influence then spreads to all three parts of the human being. With the help of these methods, not only can the light in people be unleashed, but people can also be healed efficiently and permanently. Enlightenment is often sought and achieved with the help of body therapy. It is striking that many Asian forms of therapy are based on the meridian system of acupuncture. My wife and I were even able to observe in Brazil how some therapists warmed up the meridians of their clients with a hairdryer in order to stretch and stretch them more efficiently later in order to free the meridians from stagnant forces. We have not pursued this method any further.
When human limitations disappear, this event always has to do with light and the result of light is always freedom. This seems to be a principle of creation. We can now understand that true liberation always has to do with light. Another path to freedom is to renounce negative expression and integrate constructive expression. Although this is a different path, it also brings forth light and gives people a corresponding amount of freedom. However, it makes sense to eradicate deficits as soon as they are discovered, as some deficits have unpleasant characteristics. This means that they combine with similar deficits and then slow people down with increased force and effect. Light-weak regions hurt at the body level and can therefore be easily detected and treated in the body. It became clear why certain manual therapies work. If a part of the human body is stretched, the basic frequency at this point increases, becomes brighter and the life force flows a little better there with each stretch. From a certain brightness of the overpotential, the light expands beyond this point, spreads to other areas of the body and also causes stagnating forces to flow there again. For the sake of completeness, it should be mentioned that the therapist's light can amplify the effects of an application many times over. Some special acupuncturists can also achieve such profound effects in a short time.
Changes will therefore take place that will correspond to the potential of the life force. On the one hand, the potential of human expressive power will be rebalanced, and on the other, metabolic systems will return to self-regulation. The newly gained balance will result in corresponding healings in people.
But there is more that belongs to the totality of the human being and heals the human being. It is the human consciousness that has the greatest influence on health. This consciousness is simply formed by human perception. For a better understanding: human perception is 50% responsible for health. Human perception has three centers, which are located in the three plexuses. All-encompassing love is perceived and expressed on all levels. Feeling comes from the heart, which is located in the emotional plexus. Feeling is a direct form of perception and people can use it to perceive themselves, their environment and higher levels. The perception of the mental network includes intuition. Intuition means: sudden, non-acquired knowledge. Knowledge, conclusions and insights also come from the center, which is located in the middle of the head. This perception is sensing. Sensations are impulses from the
earned the healing or not Strong purifications produce strong symptoms, which are called kriyas in India. These purification symptoms arise because a vital force that has become strong encounters a stagnant force and sets it in motion. This stagnant force is then excreted along with the useless substances. In this way, the body becomes self-regulating and separates itself more easily from substances that cannot be utilized. The now somewhat more liberated life force also sets the darker forces in motion that would otherwise nourish unpleasant feelings. An inner cleansing of the emotional life also begins, which makes the person's emotions more life-friendly. This purification is not limited to one or two components of the human being, but will always extend to all three plexuses. The life force that has become strong will also set inert forces of the third plexus in motion and dissolve these forces accordingly.
physical network that affect matter. It is an awareness of the material forms that are in the vicinity of a sensing person. It is also an awareness of existing material objects, existing forces and any movements of matter. With this type of perception, trained people, such as martial artists, can perceive an insect from 200 meters away. This perception originates from the physical plexus, which has its center in the solar plexus. Human perception is usually a mixture of the three types of perception. If all three types of perception are well developed, people seem to heal on their own and quite quickly. The human consciousness has a lot of light and can compensate for light deficits in the plexuses.Furthermore, people who can perceive extensively unintentionally transfer their powers by directing their perception towards something. Other people who enter such a force field immediately benefit from these mental powers and can immediately fulfill higher requirements without the people entering having developed certain abilities in themselves. These people also become more vital without having done anything for their health. This fact has long been known in the martial arts. All great martial artists have higher healing powers from 4th Dan onwards and can use them in a targeted manner. These masters can playfully transfer their healing powers or other acquired skills to their students without losing these skills themselves.
But when the life force becomes dynamic, it will bring affected people into enlightenment phases. This means that people who enter an enlightenment phase suddenly practise exercises that they have never learned. They adopt acrobatic postures that even experienced athletes cannot simply adopt. The phenomenon can be seen all over the world in the same way. The symptoms that people experience in such a phase are well-known and quite similar. This enables people, with their individual powers, to transcend the laws of nature. However, the intensity with which they experience the symptoms is very individual. It ranges from barely noticeable to frighteningly strong.
Symptoms of an incipient epiphany
People may be standing quite relaxed at a shop window looking at something beautiful and suddenly their shoulders lift, their body starts to tremble, their body starts to shake and shiver, their teeth start to chatter as if they are freezing and therefore they can no longer keep their body still. But they don't feel cold. Instead, they feel as if they have been punched in the stomach. They feel like they are going to vomit. They spontaneously feel tired and could fall asleep on the spot. They get very hungry and want to eat something and then they feel sick again every few minutes. They are quite weak and find it difficult to concentrate. These states vary in intensity depending on the depth of the experience. Most of the time they enjoy life and then they have to cry from one second to the next. They sense and feel what they focus their thoughts on and they clearly sense and feel their own limitations. They sense and feel much more than they can currently process. Their feelings behave as if they are on a roller coaster and are being thrown back and forth. A constant up and down now runs through their lives. They start crying and laughing several times in the space of a few seconds. In just three seconds, they can fall in love with a person they previously knew nothing about. Stability seems to disappear completely from their lives. This process is always accompanied by a paleness around the mouth, which is a sure sign that the person's soul is cleaning up and processing the prevailing burdens and stresses.
These symptoms and phenomena occur as soon as people rapidly expand their ability to feel and sense. Lights, colored clouds and flashes of light appear in their head. They know events in advance, fears appear seemingly without reason and they believe that they are ill. They have the wildest fears about themselves and notice entities around them. Sometimes they grasp the thoughts of other people, sometimes they have a strong concentration and have visions. Sometimes they see something that disappears just as quickly. More often they have light phenomena that they do not want to describe. Participants get a slight headache as soon as they bend their head to their feet, perhaps to tie their shoes. They feel as if they have drunk half a bottle of wine. As soon as the client moves his head, he feels slightly nauseous, gets a slight headache and feels somewhat disoriented. He also occasionally perceives flashes of light in his head and notices that higher spiritual gifts become available in him. The client may become aware of old burdens that have been tormenting and limiting him for a long time. This state lasts for a few hours and does not lead to any temporary restrictions. All this happens as soon as the third eye opens a little more and the ability to see is allowed to return a little more. People who are allowed to experience such unleashing more often are able to visualize and lucid dream more and more. These are symptoms of enlightenment and no one tells them what is happening to them.
They have so many fears and no one explains them. They withdraw and no one can or wants to understand them. These events could be privileges that are part of their destiny. Perhaps they have a task to fulfill that will bring people more peace.
© by Armin Mattich
The most efficient way of cleansing comes from the high intelligent consciousness of people anyway, which brings them into healing and enlightenment. There are many physical exercises to which certain meridians are assigned and which efficiently cleanse them of stagnant forces. These exercises can revitalize body regions quite quickly and restore all their functions. There are 12 meridians, which are often divided into several sections, as this makes it easier to cleanse the meridians with the corresponding exercises. These exercises can correct existing deficiencies within a few days and always restore the flow of vital energy. I have never seen these exercises fail. Perhaps this is because God has allowed people to keep all the healings they receive on earth, whether they have .