Christian mysticism
Personal Consultations
Mediumship + Spiritual Healing
"Help from the Spiritual Wold"
The Mystical Fire
Personal Consultations with Andrea or Armin Mattich
Andrea and is restored as far as possible. This part of the session is held while the client is laying down or sitting in a chair. The second step, literally the deepening work, is done while the client is standing. The power which has been unleashed during the consultation will unfold further for a couple of days after the session.
Personal coachings will be held in Hockenheim by Andrea with an appointment. Already one to four sessions (about 50 minutes for one session) show a deep impact and are highly effective for the client.
Personal coachings by agreement: Wednesday oder Thursday afternoon, Untere Hauptstraße 72 in D-68766 Hockenheim, Germany.
In an act of deepest attention to fellow men and women, Andrea is doing personal consultations. Thereby, prayers (intercessions) in the indigenous christian sense are the center of the act. The aim is that the client is helping with God's help and his or her soul is shining brighter. Andrea applies her power very consciously during a consultation to unleash and boost the client's self healing power. She joins in to the client and only talks about the most peculiar spots. During two steps, the client's balance of power is captured by
Sitzungen nach Vereinbarung: 
In den Arbeitsräumen in der Untere Hauptstraße 72
in D-68766 Hockenheim.
Andrea Mattich - Duration about 50 min., € 70,-   webs:
Armin  Mattich  Sitzungsdauer ca. 60 Min. Kosten € 80,--
Office phone: +49 6205-283753 von 13:00-18:00 Uhr
© by Armin Mattich