Christian mysticism
Christliche Mystik
and sometimes where their path would take them. These memories changed the personality in a very short time. They were often memories of previous lives, special circumstances and long-forgotten situations. God showed Maya which of the visitors had a higher task and who was still to receive one. I had never heard of this kind of healing before. Her way of healing was completely unknown and is hardly subject to any limitations. Maya saw how problems arose. She saw the exact circumstances, the exact times and the exact places and how these influences formed into a problem and ultimately appeared as a limitation in people. Maya Storms was also able to trace the emergence of various diseases back to this to see wisely. Her clairvoyance seemed to be without limits. She sometimes addressed special
Maya's healings and teachings
Maya Storms was born in 1924 and already remembered some of her past lives as a child. She was searching for her origins from an early age and quickly became an intimate seeker of God. She became fully enlightened at the age of fifty and since then has worked in an incomparable way as a medium and healer. Her work was accompanied by so many miracles that one involuntarily made a reference to biblical prophets. At the age of 91, she made her way home to the heavenly Father with full awareness and determination.
She helped and healed people in a very efficient way by gave souls certain memories. Maya reminded the souls of who they were, what they were made of
This way was another of her destinies, which she also fulfilled with devotion. Sometimes she took over people's karma and held this destructive legacy tightly together until it was completely weakened and could no longer harm the tormented people. Then it handed this powerless shell over to Christ. This process could take days, weeks or even months until the unclean spirits became completely ineffective. During this time, Maya was not doing so well and sometimes she had to fight hard for her life. It took her many days to gradually recover and regain her strength. Once I asked Maya how long it might take to get back on her feet if she recharged too much. "If I get back on my feet, it could take two years". "Armin, you know, Christ said it clearly to the people": "Let one carry the burden of another." "This act of charity is only possible with God's help anyway." There are still a few people who belong to God's chosen group, whose tasks also include taking on karma. It is a form of grace for this group to be allowed to perform this act of charity.
Maya's healings
She was able to help almost everyone and cure many illnesses in record time. If she could not or was not allowed to heal an illness immediately, she quickly changed the circumstances of her visitors so that they could acquire everything they needed to heal over the next few weeks. But Maya gave them one special gift straight away: she increased the inner peace of her visitors. Only people who loved their addictions more than their health were not healed immediately by Maya, as she had a different recipe, a different order of assistance and a different speed for their healing. These people had to forgive old acquaintances they knew from previous lives and they had to forgive themselves. As a result of increased inner peace, some human qualities quickly grew to a higher level. One could literally observe how visitors quickly found their way out of their restricted life situation and immediately enjoyed their new freedom. The increased inner peace visibly reduced the symptoms of illness and the increased human qualities even took away the basis of the illnesses.
people by their old names from previous lives and shared her memories of them with the person concerned. Maya did this when the soul and also the personality had a higher task to fulfill in this world. Sometimes she would move her hand to the side as if to wipe something away and say, "You don't need that anymore." And the healing had already happened. Only very few visitors understood what was really happening. Maya did not talk about the healings that had taken place. It was only recognized by the absence of old problems that she had probably returned. had helped. There was another way in which Maya helped people.

Maya loved to heal through memory. This also means that the souls of the visitors could spontaneously remember circumstances that made them ill and they were given the opportunity to adopt a more constructive attitude. Sometimes even the personality could see these circumstances and adopt a better attitude. Unfortunately, it happened that neither the soul nor the personality was willing to change their mental attitude to a positive one. In such cases, Maya did not mention to the visitors that their souls refused the help offered to them. Obviously, there is also a suitable time for spiritual liberation.
Maya empfand eine extrem große Liebe zu Christus und den Menschen. Sie konnte es kaum ertragen, wenn Personen am Ende waren und kaum mehr Sinn in ihrem Leben sahen. Oft fing sie spontan an zu beten und bat Gott um Hilfe, sie bat ihn voller Inbrunst darum, der betreffenden Person eine Erleichterung zu schenken. Maya war nie zu müde zu beten. Ihre Gebete fanden stets Gehör vor Gott. Man könnte glauben, Maya wusste, wann ein Gebet Gehör fand und wann nicht. Doch so war es nicht, denn es liegt wohl am Lichtgehalt der betenden Person. Man könnte auch sagen, es kommt darauf an wer betet.
Sometimes Maya spoke about what makes people reject even grace. She said it was because of the shadows on the human soul that permanently prevent a person from living more authentically. She said that those affected still needed some time. Unfortunately, Maya saw such limitations all too often.
As soon as Maya saw a person, she usually also saw their thoughts, the good and the bad thoughts. But Maya needed a little more time to look more comprehensively. But then she could also see a person's intentions and she could see where the intended actions would lead. When Maya looked, no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't hide anything from her. Maya was therefore almost always able to uncover the true causes of existing ailments and once Maya had uncovered these causes, she wanted to alleviate them straight away. It could happen that a visitor approached Maya to greet her and found that their problem had already disappeared. Of course, Maya also explained to her visitors why a part of their body once hurt and why their professional plans never succeeded. She told them what else needed to happen for their professional plans to succeed and last. Maya effortlessly recognized even distant goals of a person.

Maya's teachings
Maya was not always understood because some visitors had a fixed world view and could hardly imagine anything outside of it. Her visitors often spoke of energies that they obviously considered to be a prerequisite for her help. There was simply no room in the world view of these visitors for people like Maya and such a huge healing power. The visitors simply could not imagine that Maya could completely change their future in a very short time. They also occasionally needed help to verbalize their concerns. This circumstance had Of course, there was also a reason for this, because anyone entering Maya's house
was exposed to a huge light that freed the visitors to some extent, but also sometimes overtaxed their minds. Some people no longer understood individual words, others no longer knew which city they came from and still others no longer knew why they were traveling to the Netherlands. I often heard Maya say to her visitors: "Name it, name it." Of course I knew that Maya was talking to the soul of the visitors and asking them to talk. Many souls were ashamed and did not want to appear before Maya, much less reveal themselves to her. They knew very well how deeply Maya could see and wanted to avoid exactly this situation. Until they realized that a burden might be lifted from them.
In the beginning, I accompanied groups of visitors to Maya and was able to witness how quickly Maya's visitors grew and received exactly the same help that I once received. Maya loved to bring the grace of God and to lead her visitors back into aliveness. Maya allowed people to grow at their own pace, as was their nature. She rejoiced when her visitors' consciousness unfolded and they felt joy in their lives again. Maya was really moved when she observed how more authentic and independent people became. To me, it looked as if Maya was repeatedly snatching her visitors out of the hands of an invisible enemy and healing them. Gradually, people realized that Maya had such great power and could free people from the deepest dungeon. It happened, When I asked a comprehensive question, she would simply say: "Armin, would you please find out". Maya knew that I would try very hard and would look for and probably find the answer I wanted. In this way, she encouraged my inquiring mind and my independence.

© by Armin Mattich
Maya also honed my powers of discernment. Maya always made sure that her friends grew quickly so that they could fulfill their destiny at the right time. When I asked a comprehensive question, she would simply say: "Armin, would you please find out". Maya knew that I would try very hard and would look for and probably find the answer I wanted. In this way, she encouraged my inquiring mind and my independence. Maya also honed my powers of discernment. Maya always made sure that her friends grew quickly so that they could fulfill their destiny at the right time. Maya's help and teachings were always filled with joy and humor.

It can be said that the greatest humor is found in enlightened people. But not only joy and humor, but also seriousness is very pronounced in enlightened people. Maya often said to her friends that humor helps when nothing else helps. Joy and humor are no obstacle to the light in people and the constructive qualities can then be expressed more quickly. We should constantly pray for the needs of our fellow human beings because we don't know when Father will answer our prayers. This is exactly what I experienced several times. Maya often told us that she would plant a tree on the last day. Maya informed us that the time of the false prophets has come and that they are not recognized. But also that these people really believe they are doing the right thing and are dragging their fellow human beings into ignorance and unfortunately also into darkness. We should remain level-headed and never risk losing the light and we should always remember that the dark side can also heal. She said urgently: "Learn to discern." Maya gave individual students important information about the time of Christ's return and what needs to be done before the great day of God dawns. She also called this day the "day of grace and joy". Maya clearly described how great the joy will be when people experience this day. She said that our present consciousness is too small to measure how great the joy will be on that day and she said that the people who truly abide in love will experience the highest joys.