Christian mysticism
Spirit-Event Congress: in Oberhausen
Armin Mattich was active many times at the large congress in Oberhausen. Here he is in conversation with presenter Clemens Kuby at the "Night of the Healers" event.
Kongress in Hanover
Armin Mattich holdt demoer, sesjoner og foredrag i Hannover. Overnaturlige helbredelser fant også sted på denne kongressen.
Congress in the Golden Light, Austria
Armin gives lectures and demonstrations on the life force
Congress: "People through whom miracles can still happen"
Congress event in St. Leon-Rot 2008. Maya helps so many people.
The annual congress organized by Armin Mattich was always well attended
Congresses: "People who may work wonders"
Regional press Hockenheim 2005
Regional press Hockenheim 2004
Congress in Dubai 2003
Large D.A.R. Healing Congress 1998 in Kißlegg
Healers from all over Europe met at the big healing congress in 1998 and gave insights into their work.
D.A.R. Congress "Clairvoyance and Channeling"
At the "Clairvoyance and Channeling 1997" congress, Armin gave aura readings and guided many participants into optical aura vision.